15 Days Clear Notice means '…….. Days' Clear Notice means the number of calendar days intervening between the day of posting the notice and the day of the mee... Continue Reading Share This: Facebook Twitter Google+
Preliminary Address of the Society Bye - Laws -2 a) Address of the Society The registered address of the Society shall be as under: …….. …… ….. ….. ….. ….. ….. ….. …. …. …. … …. …. …. …. .... Continue Reading Share This: Facebook Twitter Google+
Preliminary Co-Operative Housing Society Bye - Law 1 a. Name of the Society The Name of the Society shall be .................................................................................... Continue Reading Share This: Facebook Twitter Google+
Roles and responsibilities of the Chairman in housing society : Bye - Law No 139 The Chairman of the Society shall have the power of overall superintendence,control and guidance in respect of management of the affair... Continue Reading Share This: Facebook Twitter Google+
Liability of Committee Members Bye - Law 137 The Members of the Committee shall be jointly and severally responsible for all the decisions taken by the committee during its term relati... Continue Reading Share This: Facebook Twitter Google+
Minutes of Meetings Bye - Law 136 The Secretary of the Society shall attend every meeting of the committee and record its minutes and place the same for confirmation bef... Continue Reading Share This: Facebook Twitter Google+
Requisitioned Special Meeting of Committee Bye - Law 135 On a requisition by 1/3rd of the Members of the committee, the Secretary of the Society shall convene a special meeting of the Committee wi... Continue Reading Share This: Facebook Twitter Google+
One Member one vote Decision by majority Bye - Law 134 Every Member of the Committee shall have one vote. However in case of equality of votes the chairman of the meeting will have a second or ca... Continue Reading Share This: Facebook Twitter Google+
Chairman to preside over Committee Meetings Bye - Law 133 The Chairman of the Society shall preside over all the meetings of the Committee, provided that if at any meeting of the Committee, he is ab... Continue Reading Share This: Facebook Twitter Google+
Notice of Committee Meetings Bye - Law 132 The Secretary of the Society shall give 3 clear day’s notice of meetings of the Committee to all the Members of the Committee which shall st... Continue Reading Share This: Facebook Twitter Google+