Cessation of a Member of the Committee Bye Law 119 a) Cessation of a Member of the Committee : A person shall cease to be the Member of the Committee, if: i. he has incurred any of the ... Continue Reading Share This: Facebook Twitter Google+
General Election of Members of the Committee of a Society Bye - Law 118 In a General Election of Members of the Committee of a Society, on the election of two-thirds or more number of Members, the Returning Offic... Continue Reading Share This: Facebook Twitter Google+
Eligibility for Committee Member Bye - Law 117 No person shall be eligible for being elected as a Member of the Committee or co-opted on it, if : a) he / she has been convicted ... Continue Reading Share This: Facebook Twitter Google+
Prohibition against being interested in the Society Bye - Law 116 No Officer of the Society shall have any interest, directly or indirectly, otherwise than as such officer: (a) In any contract made with t... Continue Reading Share This: Facebook Twitter Google+
Election of the Committee Bye - Law 115 a) Election of all the Members of the Committee shall be held once in 5 years, before the expiry of its term, in accordance with the provis... Continue Reading Share This: Facebook Twitter Google+
Strength of the Managing Committee Bye - Law 114 The Committee shall consist of *11 / 13 / 15 / 17 / 19 Members of the Society. This strength includes the reservation of seats as provi... Continue Reading Share This: Facebook Twitter Google+
Opening of Banking Account and Investment of Funds Bye - Law 113 A Banking Account shall be opened by the Society in the nearest State or District Central Co-op Bank / a Scheduled Bank having awarded ... Continue Reading Share This: Facebook Twitter Google+
Exercise of powers by the Committee Bye - Law 112 Subject to the direction given or regulation made by a Meeting of The General Body of the Society, the Committee shall exercise all pow... Continue Reading Share This: Facebook Twitter Google+
Management of the Society to vest in the Committee Bye - Law 111 The Management of the affairs of the Society shall vest in the Committee duly constituted in accordance with the provisions of the Act, the ... Continue Reading Share This: Facebook Twitter Google+
General body meeting to be the supreme authority Bye - Law 110 Subjects to the provisions of the Act, the Rules and the Bye-laws of the Society, the final authority of the Society shall vest in its ... Continue Reading Share This: Facebook Twitter Google+