Papers in housing society Papers means all or any of the items mentioned in the bye-laws Nos. 142 and 143 Continue Reading Share This: Facebook Twitter Google+
Ownership Flats Act Ownership Flats Act means the Maharashtra Ownership Flats (Regulation of the Promotion of Construction, Sale, Management and Transfer) Act. ... Continue Reading Share This: Facebook Twitter Google+
What is Housing Society Federation Housing Society Federation means the federation of co- operative housing societies, registered and notified under the Act. Continue Reading Share This: Facebook Twitter Google+
What is Flat housing Society Flat means a separate and self contained set of premises used or intended to be used for residence, or office, or show-room, or shop, or god... Continue Reading Share This: Facebook Twitter Google+
Committee Meaning Housing Society Committee means the Committee of management or board of directors or the governing body or other directing body of a cooperative Housing Soc... Continue Reading Share This: Facebook Twitter Google+
Chief Promoter in housing society Chief Promoter means the person who is elected by the Promoters, in their first meeting, or in their subsequent meetings in case the post of... Continue Reading Share This: Facebook Twitter Google+
Co-operative housing society Bye-laws Bye-laws : Bye-laws means by-laws consistent with Act and registered under this Act for the time being in force and includes registered amen... Continue Reading Share This: Facebook Twitter Google+
Co-operative housing society Acts Act : Act means the Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Act; (MCS Act) 1960 Continue Reading Share This: Facebook Twitter Google+
Important Term in Co-Operative Housing Society Bye - Law 3 1. Act 2. Bye-laws 3. Chief Promoter 4. Committee 5. 15 Days Clear Notice means 6. Flat 7. Housing Society Federation 8. Ownership Flats A... Continue Reading Share This: Facebook Twitter Google+
Important Account Books and register need to maintain in housing societies mumbai As per Bye laws No. 142 and 143 following maintenance of account books and register required to maintain every co-operative housing society... Continue Reading Share This: Facebook Twitter Google+