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Friday 14 October 2022

Section 73CB of MCS ACT 1960 : State Co-operative Election Authority

73CB.State Co-operative Election Authority

(1) The superintendence, direction and control of the preparation of the electoral rolls for, and the conduct of, all elections to a society shall vest in the authority called as ‘the State Co-operative Election Authority’, as may be constituted by the State Government in that behalf. Every general election of the members of the committee and election of the office-bearers of a society including any casual vacancy, to the extent applicable, shall be held as per the procedure prescribed.

(2)The State Co-operative Election Authority shall consist of a State Co-operative Election Commissioner, who has held the post not below the rank of Secretary to the State Government. The State Co-operative Election Commissioner shall be appointed by the Governor. The State Co-operative Election Commissioner shall hold the office for a period of three years and he may be re-appointed for a further period of two years. The office of the State Co-operative Election Authority shall be at such place as may be notified by the State Government :

      Provided that, a person appointed as the State Co-operative Election Commissioner shall retire from the office on completion of the age of sixty- five years.

(3)The State Government shall appoint on deputation, any person holding a post not below the rank of Additional Registrar, as a Secretary to the State Co-operative Election Authority

(4)Subject to the provisions of sub-section (2), other conditions of service, including the salary and allowances, of the State Co-operative Election Commissioner shall be such as may be prescribed. Subject to the provisions of sub-section (6), the State Co-operative Election Commissioner shall be removed from his office only by an order of the Governor on the ground of proved misbehaviour or incapacity after an inquiry ordered by the Governor and conducted by a retired Judge of the High Court, who has on inquiry, reported that the State Co-operative Election Commissioner ought to be removed on such ground.

(5)The Governor may suspend the State Co-operative Election Commissioner from his office, and if deemed necessary, also prohibit him from attending the office during inquiry, if an inquiry has been ordered under sub-section (4) until the Governor has passed the orders on receipt of the report of the retired High Court Judge.

(6)Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (5), the Governor may, by order, remove the State Co-operative Election Commissioner from his office, if he,—

         (a) is adjudged an insolvent; or

         (b) has been, convicted of an offence which, in the opinion of the Governor involves moral turpitude ; or

         (c) has engaged during his term of office in any paid employment outside the duties of his office; or

         (d) is, in the opinion of the Governor, unfit to continue in office by reason of infirmity of mind or body; or

         (e) has acquired such financial or other interest as is likely to affect prejudicially his functions as the State Co-operative Election Commissioner.

(7)The State Government, after consultation with the State Co-operative Election Commissioner, shall provide the officers and employees for his office, to assist him in performing his functions under this Act.

(8)The State Government shall, when so requested by the State Co- operative Election Commissioner make available to the State Co-operative Election Authority such staff as may be necessary for discharge of the functions conferred on the State Co-operative Election Authority by sub-section (1).

(9)(a) If any person to whom sub-section (8) applies is, without reasonable cause, guilty of any act or omission in discharge of his official duty, he shall, on conviction, be punished with fine which may extend to five hundred rupees.

(b) No suit or other legal proceedings shall lie against any such person for damages in respect of any such act or omission as aforesaid.

    Explanation.—For the purposes of this sub-section, the expression “persons to whom sub-section (8) applies” are the Returning Officers, Assistant Returning Officers, Presiding Officers, Polling Officers and any other persons appointed to perform any duty in connection with the receipt of nominations or withdrawal of candidatures, or the recording or counting of votes at an election ; and the expression “official duty” shall be construed accordingly, but shall not include duties imposed otherwise than by or under this Act.

(10) Notwithstanding anything contained in any law for the time being in force, the election of the committee of each society shall be conducted by the State Co-operative Election Authority before the expiry of the term of the existing committee so as to ensure that the newly elected members of the committee assume office immediately on the expiry of the office of the members of the outgoing committee.

(11) The State Co-operative Election Authority shall hold the elections of the society or class of societies as per the procedure, guidelines and the manner, including using the latest technology and expertise, as may be prescribed :

Provided that, the State Government may, considering the objects of the society, class of societies, area of operation and norms of business and for proper management and interest of members, may by general or special order, classify the societies in such manner as may be prescribed.

Provided further that, in case of housing society having less than or up to 250 Members, the elections of the Committee shall be conducted by the said housing society in the manner as may be prescribed.]

(12) The State Co-operative Election Authority shall conduct elections to the committee and also to office of President or Chairperson, Vice- President or Vice-Chairperson and such other office bearers as are required to be elected as per the by-laws of the society, within fifteen days from the constitution of the committee after a general election.

(13) There shall be an Election Fund maintained at level of the State Co-operative Election Authority. Every society shall deposit in advance, the estimated amount of expenditure on its election, as may be prescribed and required by the State Co-operative Election Authority towards the Election Fund. The State Co-operative Election Authority shall incur the necessary expenses, for the conduct of the elections of the societies, including the election of the office bearers, from the said fund. The expenses of the holding of any election, including the payment of travelling allowances, daily allowances and remuneration, if any, to the persons appointed to exercise the powers and perform the duties in respect of the election, shall be incurred from the said fund and the expenditure shall be made in the manner prescribed. The Registrar, on requisition by the State Co-operative Election Authority, shall recover expenses of holding election from any such society or class of societies :

Provided that, if any society fails to pay the election expenses, the Registrar may issue the recovery certificate for recovery of the amount due and such amount shall he recovered as arrears of land revenue.

(14) The committee of every co-operative society shall,—

     (a)inform the State Co-operative Election Authority about the expiry of its term of office at-least six months before the date of expiry of such term ;

     (b)inform any casual vacancy occurred in the committee or its office bearers, within fifteen days of the occurrence of such vacancy ;

     (c)furnish such books, records and information as the State Co-operative Election Authority may require as per the calendar specified by the State Co-operative Election Authority ;

     (d)provide all necessary help, assistance and co-operation for the smooth preparation of electoral rolls for the conduct of elections.

(15) Where in respect of any society, the term of its committee has expired before the date of commencement of the Maharashtra Co-operative Society (Second Amendment) Act, 2018, the election to such committee shall be held by State Co-operative Election Authority within a period of six months from the date of such commencement:

Provided that, in respect of such a society, the committee shall continue to hold the office till such a period of six months or declaration of results of election of such a society whichever is earlier:

Provided further that, in case of society doing business of banking, the requisition made or guidelines issued by the Reserve Bank of India or the National Bank shall prevail.]